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My Upstairs Windows Being Dangerous for Children In Australia 2022 

I’m Worried About My Upstairs Windows Being Dangerous for Children. What Should I Do?

Unfortunately, accidental falls from upper level windows are more common than people realize. Worldwide figures indicate that more than 3,000 children under the age of five are injured each year from window falls. If you have a home with an upper storey it’s important that you have taken suitable measures such as security screens on your windows to ensure that your home is safe for children. If you are looking for best   Security Doors  Melbourne  company you must need to check their review and experience.

If you have young children and live in a multi-level home, you might be rightly concerned about their safety, particularly if their bedrooms are located on the upper level of your home. It is vitally important that you ensure your home is fall safe to protect them and their friends when they visit your home. Statistics indicate that a child is injured from a fall from a balcony or an upper level window at a home each week in Australia. Falls tend to occur particularly in the warmer months when windows are left open to ventilate the home the home with fresh air.

In 2013 the Australian government introduced building regulations to ensure that multi-storey homes with windows more than 2m above the ground have safety features in place to protect children from devastating falls. These regulations prevent upper-level windows from being able to be fully opened unless fitted with adequate safety features. So, what do these regulations mean for your home and how can you ensure that children in your home are not put in a dangerous situation near upstairs windows? You must need to install best quality  security screen doors  for your home safety.

What do the new Australian building regulations require of upstairs windows?

These requirements, introduced in May 2013, are designed to reduce the risk of devastating falls by preventing unprotected upper level windows being opened further than a tiny 125mm. If your upstairs window is not fitted with safety features, it cannot be designed to open at all.

If you have pets or young children and live in a multi-storey home, you may need to take steps to ensure your home is fall safe. Unfortunately, statistics show that each week an Australian child is injured falling from an upstairs window or balcony. If your home has upstairs windows, you need to ensure that you have adequate protection in place to prevent a devastating fall taking place. You must install iron or aluminium front security doors for your home.

If my home was built before 2013 will it have fall safe features in place on upstairs windows?

No, not necessarily. If your home was built prior to 2013 it’s advisable to check if you do have adequate security measures in place to ensure your home is fall safe.

If I want to be able to open upper level windows, what are my choices?

There are two main choices for securing upper level windows if you want to still be able to open them and let fresh air into your home:

  • You can install a window restrictor, which is a device that is designed to prevent a window being opened further than a 125mm gap. This is a really tiny opening so it will ensure the window is safe, but it will not allow much air to pass through; or
  • The second option is to have your upper storey windows fitted with Australian Standards approved security mesh screens. These screens are designed to withstand at least 25kg of pressure and allow the window to be fully opened without compromising the safety of children.
Can I install security mesh on my upstairs windows myself?

No, security mesh screens should be professionally installed to ensure they can function as they have been designed to. Jim’s Security Doors screens are custom-made to fit your windows. Get in touch to book a free measure-and-quote service by phoning 13 15 46.

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